Thursday, October 1, 2009

In an instant, your entire life can change.

A major personal issue of mine, that is a very controversial topic, is Abortion. I realize that a lot of people always talk about abortion and as a very controversial topic, it always comes up.

I am personally pro-life, i could never actually bring my self to get an abortion. Abortion is, no matter what people say, is killing somebody, even if the baby does not have a heartbeat yet, it could turn into a great human being, with 9 extra months. Abortion does not only hurt the baby, but some studies show that actually, many women who have abortions have psychological problems and problems with other pregnancy's after, sometimes they think that there was never a baby, and in some cases, women are confined to bed rest because of the possibility of a premature labor.

Abortions are not usually done within the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, unless it is necessary for the mother to live, they are not done because, in the 3rd trimesters the baby could live as a premature baby. When 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions are done, after the procedure is done the child is sometimes just left in a corner to die. I believe that this is extremely cruel, and abortion doctors who actually agree to the late term abortions should go to jail for it, because it is not just killing a small child that can not survive outside of the womb, but a baby who could live and become somebody great!

Abortion is a very controversial topic, and I believe that it should only be allowed for women who need it, such as if they have the baby they will die, every child needs a mother. I do not think it is right for women to go into a abortion clinic every time that they get pregnant, because they are irresponsible, to get an abortion. People need to take responsibilities for their actions, if they have sex then there is always a possibility that there could be a pregnancy. If you are willing to have sex, then you should be ready to accept the consequences.

So what do you think? Would you keep a baby, put it up for adoption, get an abortion? Ask your girlfriend to get an abortion if she was pregnant, or stick by her? Pro-life, or Pro-Choice?


  1. Yikes, this is a very controversial topic. I agree that promiscuous girls shouldn't just walk into an abortion clinic every time they fool around. But there are certain cases where life just isn't fair.

    A family friend recently got pregnant. She'd been trying with her hubby for years and was ecstatic upon hearing the good news. Now I don't know the medical lingo, or what exactly went wrong, but the doctor was certain that when the baby was born, the infant would die almost immediately after leaving the womb. I can't imagine having my newborn baby, almost as soon as they are in my arms, loving him or her as soon as I see and hold them, die right in front of me. It would break my heart

    Life isn't fair. So I am Pro-Choice. But I do 100% believe that it should be within the first few weeks, and personally I wish it only for an example like the one I stated earlier.

    What also needs to e taken into account are the number of back-ally, dirty abortions that would take place if abortion became's a disturbing thought.

  2. I agree with you 100 percent with this. Abortion is murder.

  3. I agree with Asleigh but in that it only should be done in extreme circumstance and not for the girl that gets herself pregnant every week, for her there is a quick fix and that is to get yourself fixed.

    I do believe that in certain cases like Ashleigh's friend and rape cases that abortion shold be allowed. For example with the rape case, would you want to see your attackers face every time you looked at your child?

    That is where I stand on that.

  4. I also agree with you, Ashleigh and Kaite. obviously abortion should probably not be outlawed, because many of the back ally abortions are done with coat hangers, or other extreme measures that can hurt the mother even more.
    I also believe that in the case of your friend Ashleigh, yes abortion could be used, and in rape cases. Even though a close friend of mine is a rape baby, his mother kept him and has loved him more then anything, but i know that some women can't do that.
