Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do you know what freerunning is?

When a friend of mine first started telling me that he did free running, or parkour I had no idea what it was, and he wouldn't tell me, he told me to watch his video when he posted it online. When I realized what I thought free running was, I thought that its got a lot of gymnastics in it, many times free runners, or in all of the videos that i have watched, do a lot of back flips, flip off of objects, and sometimes they jump off of high buildings.

I've always been a fan of gymnastics, not only watching the gymnastics in the Olympics but doing gymnastics for over 4 years. So when I found out about free running, where it incorporated gymnastics with almost matrix type activities, like doing wall flips, running and jumping onto high objects, it really interested me. The free runners that I know many times go to gyms that mainly focus on gymnastics and practice daily, and they practice hard.

To be perfectly honest, if somebody asked me what free running is, I would tell them to go on youtube and search free running, because like I said before is that it incorporates a lot of gymnastics, and running, but that is all I really know about parkour. What I actually know about free running is that it is done a lot in England and other European countries. Free Running is almost an extreme sport, its fun but it can be dangerous, but it makes me wish that I had kept up with my gymnastics.


  1. Wow that is crazy! They are like actual gymnasts. Yeah, if someone asked me what freerunning was I would probably guess it's exactly what it sounds like. Who knew it involved such intense gymnastics. You learn something new everyday. Interesting :)

  2. I had no clue what free running was. That video makes me want to try. Only i can't gymnastics strengthens the whole body beyond belief. Excellent post!!!!

  3. I have never heard of free running until i read this blog. This video is crazy, this is way better than watching gymnastics. These people are really good.

  4. I never heard of this sport either, but I too was involved in competitive gymnastics for many years but had to stop because I had to have a surgery. Watching this makes me want to persue it again too!

  5. Ive heard of this sport but never tried it. You gotta be really strong to throw your body weight around like that. They have a parkour championship on MTV soon I think. Great post!

  6. Thanks for the intro, I like how the video showed the real world playground followed by the gymnastic room. I was always fascinated by my peers who could jump over the hurdles in track, or the kids who could bend and contort their bodies wildly for gymnastics. I was never the adventurous type, at least not with my body.

  7. Wow! That's awesome! Your video really makes me wish I'd been born with at least some balance and coordination. It looks like so exciting. I will never understand how people can run up walls...I used to know a guy on my swim team who could do it. It was seriously amazing to watch. He, like the athletes in your video, just make it look so easy. I enjoyed your post.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Very interesting. Those people who do that probably practice everyday to not hurt themselves. It looks easy but I bet it's not. Good job

  10. Great subject...many people don’t know about free running and this is a good way to introduce it to people. I have personally heard of it and even attempted it. Some things I could do such as, jumping from object to object, scaling walls, and some flips but it's very hard. Very interesting sport everyone should try it sometime.

  11. I've heard of free running before!! I love watching it I think it's the coolest thing ever. I can barely do a cartwheel so to see somebody with this much talent is awesome. Sweet video

  12. I actually know one of those guys that is in the video! I think Parkour is really interesting. People really have to train their bodies for that kind of activity.

  13. I so thought that i posted something a while earlier, right when this came out. But any who, PARK-ORE!!! Ah what a activity, I was so trying this at inauguration, like jumping over barriers and what not. Good times. But these guys can do it fairly well there are some better videos out there but this is decent enough.
