Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bad Role Models

If I could vote somebody, who is in the limelight all of the time, "off the island" it would be Miley Cyrus. This is because I believe that she is a bad influence for all of the children that used to watch her show, Hannah Montana, or her movie. I understand that when you get older, you want to do things that will appeal to a older crowd, not the 6-12 year old girls, but when they want to be like Miley, they might start doing the things that she does.

The main reason why I would vote Miley off of the island is because of her inappropriate actions, when she has many younger crowd fans. With her music video for "Party in the U.S.A" the way she dances can be termed "slutty". Many parents don't want there young girls seeing someone, like Miley, who is a role model to them dancing like Britney Spears, or Beyonce, on the Disney Channel. There are also pictures from her birthday party of her on a stripper pole, which is not appropriate for a 16 year old to be doing in the first place but, once again if some girls see this they might try to do the same thing.

My personal reasons and morals for wanting to vote Miley Cyrus off the island is because I beleive that she is a very bad role model for the girls who watch her. I believe that if I was a parent i would not want my child watching somebody who used to do a very popular childrens TV show dancing like a stripper in a music video that almost everybody will see at some point.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do you know what freerunning is?

When a friend of mine first started telling me that he did free running, or parkour I had no idea what it was, and he wouldn't tell me, he told me to watch his video when he posted it online. When I realized what I thought free running was, I thought that its got a lot of gymnastics in it, many times free runners, or in all of the videos that i have watched, do a lot of back flips, flip off of objects, and sometimes they jump off of high buildings.

I've always been a fan of gymnastics, not only watching the gymnastics in the Olympics but doing gymnastics for over 4 years. So when I found out about free running, where it incorporated gymnastics with almost matrix type activities, like doing wall flips, running and jumping onto high objects, it really interested me. The free runners that I know many times go to gyms that mainly focus on gymnastics and practice daily, and they practice hard.

To be perfectly honest, if somebody asked me what free running is, I would tell them to go on youtube and search free running, because like I said before is that it incorporates a lot of gymnastics, and running, but that is all I really know about parkour. What I actually know about free running is that it is done a lot in England and other European countries. Free Running is almost an extreme sport, its fun but it can be dangerous, but it makes me wish that I had kept up with my gymnastics.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

In an instant, your entire life can change.

A major personal issue of mine, that is a very controversial topic, is Abortion. I realize that a lot of people always talk about abortion and as a very controversial topic, it always comes up.

I am personally pro-life, i could never actually bring my self to get an abortion. Abortion is, no matter what people say, is killing somebody, even if the baby does not have a heartbeat yet, it could turn into a great human being, with 9 extra months. Abortion does not only hurt the baby, but some studies show that actually, many women who have abortions have psychological problems and problems with other pregnancy's after, sometimes they think that there was never a baby, and in some cases, women are confined to bed rest because of the possibility of a premature labor.

Abortions are not usually done within the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, unless it is necessary for the mother to live, they are not done because, in the 3rd trimesters the baby could live as a premature baby. When 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions are done, after the procedure is done the child is sometimes just left in a corner to die. I believe that this is extremely cruel, and abortion doctors who actually agree to the late term abortions should go to jail for it, because it is not just killing a small child that can not survive outside of the womb, but a baby who could live and become somebody great!

Abortion is a very controversial topic, and I believe that it should only be allowed for women who need it, such as if they have the baby they will die, every child needs a mother. I do not think it is right for women to go into a abortion clinic every time that they get pregnant, because they are irresponsible, to get an abortion. People need to take responsibilities for their actions, if they have sex then there is always a possibility that there could be a pregnancy. If you are willing to have sex, then you should be ready to accept the consequences.

So what do you think? Would you keep a baby, put it up for adoption, get an abortion? Ask your girlfriend to get an abortion if she was pregnant, or stick by her? Pro-life, or Pro-Choice?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Vamanos! Climb on Over!

This picture of Dora the Explorer and Boots standing by the wall on the Mexico, United States border, with many Hispanic people climbing over, I believe is very controversial. Not only because I have family that live in Mexico, but because I believe that nobody should be using children's TV as a advertisement. This image could be termed racist, ignorant, but also kind of funny. Saying that Dora and Boots are advocates for illegal immigration.

Using Dora the Explorer’s main phrase that she uses in the TV show, “Vamanos! Let’s Go! “ in this picture, isn’t a very good idea, because many small children watch the show, Hispanic, White, Black, Asian. So if children or parents saw this they might get very offended that somebody is using a little children TV character for an illegal immigration advertisement. Many people believe that illegal immigrants, should not be able to get green cards and stay in the United States, and that they should be deported immediately and ultimately should not be allowed to come back. People think that all of the Hispanic people are taking all of the jobs that they could be doing, especially now that we are in a recession.

What some people don't realize is how long it actually takes to receive a green card, and that many Hispanics are coming to the United States to work, to send money to their family so they can live a better life also. There is much more work that Hispanic people can get in the United States then they can get in Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and all of the other Hispanic counties around the world. Many of the Hispanic people who are in the United States do the dirty work that nobody else wants to do, they do house cleaning, they work in construction, or even sometimes working in the sewers, Hispanic immigrants help us do the jobs that every other American doesn't want to do.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Uncle Sam wants YOU! To join the United States Army!"

As I sat, looking at Eric, in his older camo army uniform, with his tanned brown skin, the gold, celtic design, wedding band on his finger, I wondered what all he had been though, in training, overseas, and now home. He had a look in his eye, like he had seen many things that he never wanted to see again, like he had been though too much for anything to be the same as it was before...

He turned and looked at me with his big brown eyes, that looked like they had seen the world, and started chuckling a bit, and asked “Are you going to ask me anything or just sit and stare off like I am?” I smiled and asked “Why did you decide to join the Army anyway?”. He looked off for a second, like he was trying to think, smiled and said “I wanted to do something good for my country, and to make people proud of me. Growing up in a small town, there is never much to do, so I got into a lot of trouble with the cops, I messed up football and basketball scholarships, because i got kicked off the team for drug possession, and I got my friends in trouble also, I decided that I didn’t want to be the one to be doing drugs and drinking my entire life. I thought that the army would be a good way to get myself back into shape and it would help get me back onto a good track for life. Even though I got in trouble a lot I always loved to help out around the community and I never felt like I could do enough, and then once my dad got remarried after my mom died, I knew that I had to leave the house, and the army was where I wanted to go.” “So it sounds you wanted to get away from your step-mom almost? and wanting to do something to help the country, well that meant that joining the army was one way to do that. How did your family feel about you going into the Army?” I asked him. He looked up for a second, as if he was looking to God, seemed to get a little bit more serious and said, “My dad and younger brother were proud of me, that I was finally going to do something that wouldn’t end in a police call to the house, and my younger sister was scared. She thought that I was just joining the army to get away from our stepmother. My girlfriend felt the same way as my sister did, she was very scared for me, but also upset that I would go join the Army, leave her, and obviously with a possibility where I might not come back home.”

Deciding that there wasn’t much else I could ask him about before he went into the army, or why, I decided to ask him about when he started his training, and how long he was there for. Once again he smiled when I asked him, like he was recalling fun memories from when he was in training, “I started my training at Fort Brag in North Carolina in the spring of 2004, I was excited to actually be there, even though I knew that it was going to be harder work then I had ever done before. My training was about two years, before I could go into active duty. I was in and out of training often though, and I was allowed to go see my family, but about once a month or once every two months my dad and my step-mom would come to see how I was doing.” Since he told me how much trouble he used to get in back home, I asked. “Did you and the rest of your friends ever get into any trouble like you did before you joined?”. He got a very serious look on his face and said “No! Definitely not! And we all learned quickly that it wouldn’t be a good idea to get into any trouble. Our drill Sargent would have had us cleaning toilets with toothbrushes until they sparkled. Of course we did little things to each other, like hiding personal belongings, or going to out bars and starting small fights with each other, but nothing that would get back to our Sargent. This one guy that I knew did get a Article 15, because his ex-girlfriend had been in the reserves, and came on base and for some reason, he grabbed her around the neck and started choking her, and then elbowed her in the face, after we got him off of her.” “An Article 15? What is that?” I asked, surprised that somebody who was in the army, and would have to worry about what they would deal with would actually do that. “It’s pretty much just like a slap on the wrist.” He told me, “Article 15 just goes on your personal record, so when he gets out of the army, and if he tries to get a job, it will show up that he tried to strangle his ex, but nothing really major happens.”

"So you started training in 2004," I said, "so that means that you should have been deployed, in mid 2006 right?" "Yes," He answered, then paused, stopping to take a drink of water that was on the small, mahogany, coffee table in front of him, "my deployment date was June of 2006, but I didn’t actually get deployed until October of 2006. They had moved our deployment date back some any ways, but I had just recently gotten married and Lisa was pregnant, so I was allowed to stay in the States for a little while longer." Eric sat and looked at me, drinking his water, while I was thinking up something else to ask him, "So when you did get deployed, were you stationed in the Middle East?" I asked. "No I wasn’t, I was stationed in Germany, that’s where I had wanted to go. I wanted to see where my mother was from, and I had a lot of family that I had never meet that lived in Germany, so even though I was in the army, I got to learn about my heritage and more about my mother." He told me. "Because you were stationed in Germany, did you ever get to see the front line of battle?" He looked at me, with sad, but relief filled eyes, "Also no, I didn’t ever see the front line of battle, we were the back-ups in case we were needed in Iraq, or Afghanistan, during the new elections. It was hard being over seas, even though I didn't have to deal with hand on hand combat, I saw many of my friends come back in body bags, killed in action, or soldiers that were no longer fit to be fighting, either PTSD or a loss of a limb. Even some people who deserted. When you see people that you would never think would break, going crazy because they have seen to many people shot, or to horrific things to say, it makes you break down, I often questioned why I had ever wanted to be in the army, but always made myself think of my wife and baby daughter at home, to help keep me sane."

"After two years of active duty, when you could finally come home and be with your wife, and daughter that you barley knew, was anything different for you?" I asked. Now his mostly smiling face, turned extremely serious, like no more laughing was going to happen, "Everything was different, I was slightly paranoid, Lisa almost left me because she said that I wasn’t the same person that I used to be, that i had changed to much for her to still love me. I couldn’t be friends with anybody that I grew up with, because they didn’t know anything, nothing that I had seen. People told me that I was a coward, that I was over-reacting about things, that I probably hadn’t seen anything as bad as I said, because I wasn’t on the front line. People don’t realize that even though, soldiers who aren’t on the front line, don’t always see hand to hand combat they still see what happens to the people who are on the front line. Out of everybody my sister was the most supportive and the best listener when I got home, she told me I was different, that I had changed a lot, but for the better, but she always would listen to what I said, and never judged me."

I looked down, thinking on everything that he had told me, and I saw scares on his arms, "How did you get the scares? If you never saw the actual combat?", I asked, "O these" he started laughing a little bit, like it was amusing, and said "I got some of these before I joined the army, either from fights or getting attacked by dogs, and some I actually got during training, I don't have any major battle wounds, because like I said, I never saw the actual combat."

“I got no badge for bravery, I didn’t get recognized, I joined the army to help out my country when it needed it, and even though I never saw the front line I still believe that I helped, and did a good dead.”-- Eric Marshall