Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Coffee and Gas in the Morning"

Always the place that you don't want to end up at in the morning, but always do, the gas station, if it is either to get gas or a quick breakfast. So as we drove around looking for a place to stop to observe the people around us, I saw the yellow and red, and I knew that's where we should stop. So ending up at Sheetz early Thursday morning, wasn't a surprise. A gas station is the perfect place to observe the way people act in the early morning.
As I got out of Zoe's green Ford Explorer, I immediately smelled gasoline, coffee, and cigarettes, three smells that remind me of a truck stop... or a bar. As the cold breeze went right threw my sweatshirt, all I wanted to do was go inside, to get out of cold and get away from the truck stop smell. As I walked inside, I heard the oldies music over the sound system, and the smell of the delicious coffee and Kirspy Kreme donuts, which immediately made me realize how hungry I was. Looking around a little bit more, I saw that all of the bright colors, from neon blue, and green, to the traditional yellow and red of Sheetz. Then combined with how nice and bubbly the employees were being, to everybody, gave it a very welcoming feeling, almost as if you were being greeted when you walked into a house.
As I was standing around, just looking at everything, I couldn't help but notice that many of the people walking in, looked very tired, probably coming to Sheetz for a quick cup of the delicious coffee before heading off to work. As the Doritos guy walked in the door with his big, gray dolly full of boxes of blue Doritos, red Doritos, Cheetos and Lays, I realized that I was probably in the way, so I walked outside to sit. While sitting at the little red table outside of Sheetz, talking to my other classmates that were with me, I looked around and noticed that most of the cars that were in the parking lot, or getting gas, were older cars. Either large SUV's like the gray, Chevy Blazer with a dent in the bumper, or the small beat up, blue, Volkswagen Golf. It was odd, that all of the cars were older, but with the economy down, not a lot of people can afford to buy new cars, so it made sense.
While I was sitting, with the cold, blustery wind blowing at me, making me want to get in the car, a state trooper pulled up, probably stopping for a early cup of coffee and donuts, I could hear the distant, but distinct calls over his radio, domestic violence here, speeder there, and robbery, of course the normal calls you would hear coming from a police car.
As a convenience store and a gas station, Sheetz was surprisingly very clean, and very well organized. Everything had a place, and nothing looked cluttered, with a lot of open space to make the area seem larger then it was. The bright lights woke me up a little bit more, and the cheery employees made it welcoming. Being surrounded by many businesses, like BB&T, and a shopping center and then fast food, such as Taco Bell, Roy Rogers, and Wendys, is helpful for business, because after everybody gets food, they get gas.


  1. Yeah I work at Sheetz in Rosemont avenue. I know how it feels to be overthere working. Sheetz it's a good place to eat a quick meal as you said....and yeah the smells of the gasoline it's pretty bad. It's not as bad as you think. Good observation. :)

  2. Very good detailing, it helped paint a really good image in my head of what you were seeing. I notice alot of the same things when i goto sheetz in the morning but never really stop and think about it. Good job observing your surroundings

  3. I like how you described your motions and expalined why people were doing the things they were doing, whether it was for gas or 'delicious coffee'. You did a good job of incorporating your five senses into the scene. Good job!

  4. I really liked this because it was really descriptive. Really good job.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
